Electric Vehicle Charger Installations
The way we think about fuel is changing, get ready for the Electric Vehicle revolution.
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EV Charger installation vary greatly
​For an accurate clean quotation contact us with your enquiry

We specialise in Rolec Ev Chargers but can install any make on request.
Information that we need from you:

A close up picture of your fuse board with the cover open:
This helps us to find out if there is spare capacity on your consumer unit, the make or if we need to install a separate small consumer unit just for the car charging socket.

A picture of the main cable and fuse close to your electric meter:
Its important for us to know the electrical earthing system in your property and this is where we find out.

A picture of the area your charging socket is likely to be installed:
We are looking for extraneous conductive parts i.e. exposed water pipes, this effects where the socket can be installed.

MPAN Number also known as supply number, found on your Electricity Bill:
We need this information to find your electricity distribution supplier, we have to keep them informed of the work.